This article will teach you all of the essential things to know before owning a Goldfish and provide advice on what you need to do when your fish is sick. Goldfish can make excellent pets, but it is...
Category: Fishes
Aquarium enthusiasts seeking an eye-catching yet easy-to-care for fish species might just find Gouramis to be the ideal addition. Their peaceful temperament and range of vibrant colors have made them...
Goldfish are a beloved pet for several reasons. They're hardy, easy to care for, and come in various colors. Additionally, goldfish make excellent entertainment as playful and social...
Let’s be honest. The typical Goldfish has a bad rap. It’s the one fish most people picture in a bag from a funfair, the circus, the one circling unenthusiastically around a too-small...
The Harlequin Rasbora (Trigonostigma heteromorpha) is a small tropical freshwater fish that is extremely popular and well known in the aquarist hobby. These are energetic little fish...
Is it a fish? Is it a damsel in distress? Well, technically, we are referring to a large group of fish in a single-family, over 250 species in fact. So although each type of...