Amazon Sword: The Complete Guide

Amazon Sword

There are quite a few sword types in the fish world. We’ve all heard of the Swordfish. Perhaps even Swordtails. But what about in the plant sphere? 

Well, ‘En-Garde’! There is also the hugely popular Amazon Sword (Echinodorus genus) from the South American freshwater tropics that refuses to be outdone by its vertebrate compadres.

A beautifully rich green plant, these are easy to care for, plant, and propagate. We are referring to the entire genus Echinodorus since many stockists do sell a variety of species under the generic name Amazon Sword, but their care is all the same despite their physical characteristics and differences.

Not only is it hardy, but it’s highly adaptable to a range of conditions making it a no-brainer when it comes to including them in your tank community. To be sure, there are a few species to avoid putting this plant with, but we’ll cover that later in the article.

Read on to find out what this ‘musketeer’ of the Amazon River Basin can provide for your tank and how to keep it thriving to benefit your tank inhabitants ongoing.

Amazon Sword Characteristics

You can find Amazon Swords with most stockists because of its popularity. With flexible growing parameters, they are highly adaptable for most environments and water conditions, so there should be something for everyone.

Vibrantly colored and with dense foliage, Amazon Swords are brilliant for smaller fish to hide and play in. Shrimp love to get in on the action, too, and it offers them little nooks and crannies to escape into when they need a rest or some respite from others.

Ideal for exploring and also breeding, some of your tank community will be thrilled at the inclusion of this plant in your setup.

Whether you choose to use a cluster of Amazon Swords to form a densely planted terrain or utilize a single one as a focal point, they can grow quite tall and are often placed near the rear of the tank so as not to obscure your observation opportunities.

They also help to keep ammonia and nitrates low, and they absorb CO2 as well as waste and organic debris in order to grow. Always a bonus!

In terms of appearance, Amazon Swords will vary by leave size according to which variety you get. But they all have a central root crown from which a cluster of thin stems will rise bearing a long, slender, pointed, sword-shaped leaf. This type of growth appearance is known as a rosette-style plant which lends it a bushy shape.

Plants can reach a length of up to 15 – 16 inches in most cases, which is almost all leaves. The leaves themselves make up around 14 inches of that fully grown height and are always vertical, which really adds height and drama to the tank. Many aquascapers adore this plant for this property.

Leaves should always be a deep, vibrant green shade if the plant is healthy. Any signs of browning are usually indicative that your plant is not getting enough of the nutrients it needs and should be supplemented to perk it up.

Amazon Sword Tank Requirements

The tank size you need for growing Amazon Swords is at least 20 gallons.

Taller tank setups like column tanks are especially great for this plant so it can thrive and reach a fuller height for maximum impact. Most tank sizes will do, but it’s the height of the tank that matters most, so 16 inches is the minimum height you need the water to cover.

In addition, your Swords have a strong root system that needs at least 2 – 3 inches of substrate. Choosing the right substrate is key for this plant. Small grain gravel or something equally loose will allow for easy rooting yet still support the structural integrity of this tall plant. Sand can be problematic as more curious, larger fish who like to root around for food can disrupt this balance and uproot them quite easily.

Lighting will impact how quickly this plant grows for you. A good quality LED light is ideal, and you should aim for at least 10 – 12 hours of moderate brightness.

Be careful to avoid over illuminating this plant as it can be prone to increasing tank algae issues. There is a lot of surface area on those leaves for algae to love and stick to, so have your lighting on a timer to avoid this and adjust accordingly if you notice algae becoming an issue. Sooner than later!

Good filtration for aeration is another consideration when it comes to this plant.

Amazon Swords do have one small demand, though. Every week you should be replacing 20% of the tank water. They expect clean water to show off their good looks.

The best pH range is around 6.5 – 7.5, with water hardness between 8 – 12 dGH. 

This is a plant that can handle most tropical temperatures successfully, but its sweet spot hovers around 72 – 82ºF (22 – 28ºC) for maximum happiness and growth.

Amazon Sword Planting And Maintenance

Not much in the way of maintenance is required for this genus of plants.

If you keep the water clean and do the weekly changes, and supplement with fertilizer for the healthiest look, you should have Swords in the tank to be much admired.

Amazon Sword Planting

Choose your location, and plant! That’s it. As long as you use the correct type of small grain gravel or specialty substrate, there isn’t much more you need to do to settle in some Amazon Swords in your tank.

Usually placed in the background areas or a central focal point for a vertical showpiece, ensure you allow enough room for swimming without having to trim plants back too often, or it can get intrusive.

Ensure you leave room for it to grow, so it isn’t encroached upon by neighboring plants or that it isn’t inhibited from receiving ample light. Take care not to mix up too much with floating plants as they will easily tangle in the height your Swords offer, which can impact the amount of light your Swords will receive.

Amazon Sword Trimming

This is an essential part of the care of this plant.

Any torn, nipped, or damaged leaves should be removed as they will only worsen over time. You’ll want to snip quickly to nip the damaged leaf in the bud, so to speak.

When doing trimming checks, go a step further and remove visible algae on leaves by gently wiping them. This will help keep them healthier in the short term while you adjust conditions to reduce algae issues in the first place.

Amazon Sword Propagation

There is little difficulty with propagating more Amazon Swords at home for the hobbyist.

This plant can be grown using the cuttings from the mother stem once it’s established with a strong root base. 

The cuttings should have any roots trimmed off the ends, which will enhance faster growth once planted.

Following our planting instructions as per above, all you need to do is bury the stem base and anchor it in a substrate to let it take root. They need enough substrate to support an extensive root base that provides them with the structural integrity for all of that vertical height.

Amazon Sword Compatibility In The Tank

Almost any freshwater fish is suited to inhabiting a tank alongside Amazon Swords that works within its temperature parameters.

Just ensure that wherever you place these plants that they have plenty of good lighting, and there isn’t overcrowding.

Fish that love living alongside Amazon Swords include (but are not limited to):

Avoid Goldfish, Plecos, Oscars, most Cichlids, and Jack Dempsey, who will inevitably destroy your hard work organizing the decor. These fish as classically renowned for being the whirling dervishes of the tank world for mass destruction of certain plant life, and the Amazon Sword is no exception!

Shrimp, snails, and other tank cleaners will help keep algae levels down and clean the long, smooth leaf surfaces rendering them neat and tidy as well.

Troubleshooting Amazon Swords

Yellowing Leaves

If you notice leaves yellowing, it’s likely not in a great position in your tank. Often this happens soon after planting but just gently trim the dying leaves at the stem base at the bottom of the plant. Sometimes it’s just about your plant adapting to a new home.

If all of those parameters are fine, then it may just be the time for the leaf to die off and be replaced with fresh growth, so trim and remove from the tank.

If you continue to see yellowing leaves, you may need to supplement after each weekly water change to bump up the nutrient supply to get your plants back on track.

Cracked Leaves

Since the leaves themselves are quite delicate despite sturdy stems, they can crack or be torn quite often. Worse still, they are unable to repair themselves, which is where the owner comes into play. Always remove damaged leaves regularly.

Not Growing

If it doesn’t seem like your Amazon Swords are growing at all, it’s usually an issue with roots not being anchored well enough or a lack of nutrients. Worth remembering that these leaves are slow-growing, unlike many other popular tank plants that grow at high speeds.

Anchor them in place, and once the root systems are reestablished, they should be well on their way to a growth spurt.

Algae Problems

It’s possible that you may find algae growing on your Amazon Swords as a result of the fertilizers required to provide the nutrients your plants need or dirtier water conditions.

Doing regular water changes of at least 25% per week should help reduce algal blooms and prevent overgrowth, which can become problematic for your water conditions for everyone in the tank. And don’t forget to include some tank cleaners to eat excess algae in the tank for your best bet at having a happy home.

Are Amazon Swords Worth Including In Your Setup?


Not only is this genus of plants hardy, making them ideal for newbies to the hobby, but their spectacular height really does add some vertically placed interest that will please your inhabitants and offer your tank all manner of benefits.

They offer the perfect background or centerpiece to show off brightly colored species of tropical freshwater fish. 

Simple to plant, propagate, and landscape with this plant is proven to be useful even for the more experienced hobbyist as well as much admired by aquascapers.

Razor-sharp, elegant, and with an appeal like Excalibur, your fish may duel for prime positions within your Amazon Sword forest!


We are Frederik and Felix, brothers and passionate fishkeepers who have dedicated their lives to the pet industry. We are trusted experts in this field thanks to years of experience as the owners of a high-end pet shop that specializes in aquariums and terrariums. We are certified in aqua animal care, aquarium maintenance, fish health, and terrarium maintenance. We started this blog because we love sharing our knowledge with other fishkeeping enthusiasts. All of our content is well researched and based upon scientific evidence from reliable sources like the American Association of Fish Veterinarians or the Aquatic Animal Life Support Operators. We strive to provide accurate and reliable information for our readers and are available to answer any questions. We hope that you find our blog interesting and we look forward sharing our passion with yours!

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