The Best Cheap Aquarium Fish for Budget Fishkeepers

cheap aquarium fish

Keeping an aquarium can be an expensive hobby, but that doesn’t mean you have to break the bank to enjoy it. We’ll explore some of the best cheap aquarium fish that are easy to care for and won’t cost you a fortune.

The best cheap aquarium fish are Goldfish, Guppies, Platies, Mollies, Tetras, and Danios.

In the following article, we’ll take a deeper look into each fish species and why they make such great budget-friendly choices for fishkeepers.

Key Takeaways:

  • The cheapest fish to buy as a pet is the Goldfish.
  • Guppies, Platies, Mollies, Tetras, and Danios are all great options for cheap aquarium fish.
  • Livebearers like Platies and Mollies can help you expand your collection without having to purchase more fish.

Goldfish are widely popular aquarium fish that require minimal care and maintenance. Common Goldfish, Comet Goldfish and Fantail Goldfish come in a range of colors and varieties; Goldfish have playful personalities and are easy to care for.

Guppies are a great choice for beginning fishkeepers and come in various colors and patterns. Not only that, but these hardy little creatures can thrive in various water temperatures. Plus, the fact that Guppies breed so prolifically means you won’t need to purchase additional fish to expand your collection!

Platies are an affordable choice for budget fishkeepers due to their ease of care and ability to tolerate various water conditions. They come in various colors with active personalities. Furthermore, Platies are livebearers – meaning they give birth to live young instead of laying eggs.

Mollies, like Platies, require minimal care and come in an array of colors. Furthermore, these livebearers can give birth to large numbers of young at once. Since Mollies tend to be more sensitive to water conditions than other fish types, it’s essential that their aquarium remains clean and well-maintained.

Tetras are a popular aquarium choice due to their vibrant colors and easy care requirements. Common species of Tetra include Neon Tetras, Black Skirt Tetras, and Serpae Tetras; all known for their energetic personalities and easy care requirements.

Danios are hardy and energetic fish that make great beginners’ fishkeepers. They come in arange of colors and require minimal care and maintenance to maintain. What’s more, these gentle giants have quite animated personalities which make watching them an entertaining experience for anyone!

What Is the Cheapest Fish to Buy as a Pet?

If you’re on a budget, you might be curious to know: what is the most inexpensive fish to buy as a pet?

The cheapest fish to buy as a pet is the Goldfish, which can be purchased for as little as a few dollars.

Goldfish are a popular choice for novice fish keepers due to their affordability and ease of care. These hardy creatures can survive in various water conditions without needing special heaters or filters, making them visually appealing to prospective pet parents.

Plus, Goldfish come in an array of colors and patterns so you’re sure to find one that matches your decor!

However, it’s essential to remember that owning a fish involves more than just the initial cost of purchase. You will also need to factor in the expense of a tank, food, and other necessary supplies.

The size of your tank depends on how many Goldfish you plan on keeping; Goldfish tend to grow quite large and require more space than other small fish species do.

Goldfish require a clean and healthy environment to thrive, even though they require low maintenance. This includes regular water changes and tank cleaning as well as monitoring water quality and pH levels.

Overall, goldfish are among the most affordable pets to purchase as a hobby, though it’s essential that you consider all associated costs before making a purchase.

Choosing the Right Tank Size for Your Budget

How do you determine which tank size best meets your budget?

When selecting the ideal tank size for your budget, take into account the size and number of fish, filtration needs, as well as maintenance costs and equipment purchases.

When selecting the optimal tank size for your budget, there are a few factors to take into account. First and foremost, think about the size and number of fish you wish to keep; fish need enough room to move around and thrive; overcrowding can cause health issues and stress.

As a general guideline, 20-gallon tanks can accommodate one or two small fish while larger species or more require larger tanks.

Second, consider your fish’s filtration needs and tank size. Larger tanks require larger filters to maintain good water quality and cleanliness. Make sure the filter can handle all waste generated by your fish while being suitable for its size.

Though more expensive initially, larger filters save money in the long run by reducing frequent water changes and preventing health issues in your aquatic friends.

Finally, factor in the cost of maintenance and equipment when selecting the ideal tank size for your budget. Larger tanks need additional features like a larger heater and lighting system, plus more frequent water changes and cleaning.

Be sure to take into account both ongoing costs of maintaining a larger tank as well as any unexpected expenses that arise.

Best Cheap Aquarium Accessories

What are the best cheap aquarium accessories to enhance your fish tank?

The best cheap aquarium accessories include air stones, plants, sponge filters, and LED lights.

Aquarium accessories can add to the aesthetic and functionality of your fish tank, but they can be costly.

Fortunately, there are several budget-friendly solutions that will allow you to improve your aquarium without breaking the bank:

  • Air stones are an affordable and popular aquarium water accessory that adds oxygen and creates a relaxing bubbling effect. They come in various shapes and sizes, making them easy to add to your tank with an air pump.
  • Live plants are another great option for inexpensive aquarium accessories. Not only do they add aesthetic value, but they also provide oxygen, reduce nitrates and enhance water quality. Popular choices include Java moss, Anubias and Amazon swords which require minimal upkeep.
  • Sponge filters are an inexpensive and practical way to keep your tank clean and improve water quality. They work by filtering out debris and waste, making them perfect for small aquariums or breeding tanks.
  • Finally, LED lights are an economical solution for lighting your aquarium. Not only are they energy-saving and provide a bright and natural-looking light, but they’re durable too – lasting years without needing replacement.

How to Save Money on Aquarium Supplies

Fishkeeping can be a rewarding and exciting hobby, but it also comes at a price. From tanks and filters, lights to food – the expenses add up quickly. So, how can you save money on supplies for your tank? Here are some tips!

You can save money on aquarium supplies by buying in bulk, investing in second-hand equipment or creating your own decorations and food.

Bulk purchasing aquarium supplies is an economical way to save money. Instead of purchasing small amounts of food, filter cartridges or other items, consider investing in larger quantities.

Not only does this save you money over the long term but it reduces the frequency of trips to the store as many online retailers offer discounts for bulk purchases and some local pet stores may even provide bulk discounts.

Another way to save money on aquarium supplies is by purchasing second-hand equipment.

Check online marketplaces or local classified ads for used aquarium equipment and you may find tanks, filters, lights and other pieces at a fraction of the cost of buying new. Just be sure to inspect it thoroughly beforehand in order to guarantee its condition is satisfactory.

Crafting your aquarium decorations and food on your own can be a cost-effective way to keep it looking its best. Instead of purchasing costly decorations, try creating them from natural materials like rocks, wood, or plants.

Additionally, you can save money on fish food by making your own with ingredients like shrimp, vegetables, and gelatin – there are plenty of recipes online for homemade fish food that not only saves money but provides your fish with an enriching diet as well.

And finally, it’s also essential to properly maintain your aquarium for its longevity and prevention of costly issues. Regular water changes, proper filtration, and monitoring water parameters can help avoid algae growth or disease outbreaks that require costly treatments.

Budget Fishkeeping: Balancing Cost and Quality

How can you strike a balance between cost and quality in budget fishkeeping?

You can balance cost and quality by purchasing used equipment, selecting affordable species of fish, prioritizing essential items and investing in quality items that will last longer.

Fishkeeping can be an expensive hobby, but there are ways to balance cost and quality when working within a budget. Here are some tips for beginners:

  • Purchase Used Equipment: Buying pre-owned equipment can save you a considerable amount of money. Check for aquariums, filters, heaters and other accessories on websites like Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace or eBay; just make sure to inspect the item prior to making a purchase in order to guarantee its proper working condition.
  • Select Affordable Fish Species: Certain fish species can be more costly than others. Research the different options and determine which are within your budget so you can find easy-care, less expensive species to maintain. It is also essential to take into account the size of the fish and tank size available – larger fish may need more space and require pricier equipment.
  • Prioritize Essential Equipment: Some equipment is essential for keeping an aquarium healthy, while other accessories may only serve aesthetic purposes. Prioritize essential items like a filter, heater and lighting system before adding decorative items later on.
  • Invest in Quality Items: While it can be tempting to purchase the cheapest equipment available, investing in high-quality items that will last longer can save you money in the long run. This is especially true for items like filters, heaters and lighting systems. Furthermore, investing in quality equipment helps prevent potential issues caused by cheaper but less durable alternatives.

With these tips, you can achieve the perfect balance between cost and quality in your budget fishkeeping setup.

Don’t skimp on essential equipment; invest in items that last longer for maximum longevity. With careful planning and budgeting, creating an aquarium that looks healthy and beautiful won’t break the bank!

Cheap Tropical Fish

Looking to add some colorful fish to your aquarium without breaking the bank? You might be wondering if there are any options for cheap tropical fish.

While some tropical fish can be expensive, there are several species that are affordable and easy to care for, including Platies, Guppies, and Tetras.

Aquarium hobbyists on a budget don’t need to sacrifice the beauty and diversity of tropical fish. Platies, Guppies, and Tetras are some of the most affordable and popular choices for tropical fish tanks.

Platies have bright colors and an easygoing temperament while Guppies tend to be active and breed quickly – perfect for beginners. Tetras come in various colors and sizes too, which can be used as accents within larger community aquariums for added visual interest.

Other cost-effective tropical fish species to consider include Swordtails, Mollies and Corydoras. Swordtails look similar to platies but feature a distinctive sword-like extension on their tail fins. Mollies stand out with their striking shapes and patterns while Corydoras are small bottom dwellers that help keep tanks clean by eating leftover food and debris.

When shopping for cheap tropical fish, it’s essential to avoid purchasing from unreliable sources or pet stores with poor reputations. Instead, look for trusted breeders or established aquarium stores who can provide healthy, disease-free fish.

Tips and Tricks for Cost-Effective Fishkeeping

To reduce costs associated with fishkeeping, opt for used equipment, keep the tank size small, and select low-maintenance species.

Fishkeeping can be an expensive hobby, but there are ways to cut costs without sacrificing your fish’s health or well-being:

  • Start by purchasing pre-owned equipment like tanks, filters and heaters from online marketplaces or local classifieds. Not only will this save you money but it also provides your fish with a suitable environment.
  • Another way to save money on fishkeeping is by keeping the tank size small. Larger tanks require more equipment like filters and heaters, plus require frequent water changes and upkeep. Furthermore, having a smaller tank may limit how many fish you can keep, which in turn helps keep costs down.
  • When selecting fish species, opt for those that require less food, equipment and care. Examples of low-maintenance varieties include bettas, guppies and tetras; they’re hardy creatures that can survive in a range of water conditions – perfect options for beginners or those looking to save money on aquarium supplies.
  • Maintaining good water quality not only saves you money in the long run, but it’s also an investment. Regular changes and testing of your fish’s environment help avoid health problems that require expensive treatments and medications down the line.
  • Finally, consider DIY options for fish food and decorations. Homemade fish food can be made using ingredients such as peas, spinach, and shrimp at a cheaper cost compared to buying commercial varieties. DIY decorations using PVC pipes as hiding spots also work out well in terms of cost efficiency.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What are the best cheap aquarium fish?
A: Guppies, Platies, Swordtails, Tetras, Danios and Barbs are some of the top choices for budget aquarium fish.

Q: What about vibrant colored cheap fish for an aquarium?
A: Guppies, Mollies, Platies and Neon Tetras make great additions to any setup.

Q: What’s the cheapest fish to buy?
A: Feeder fish such as Goldfish or Minnows tend to be the most affordable options.

Q: Which species do I need for easy aquarium care?
A: Hardy species like Gettas, Guppies, and Tetras make for easier care in an aquarium environment.

Q: What are the ideal fish for a small aquarium?
A: Bettas, Guppies, Tetras and Dwarf Corydoras make excellent small aquarium fish.

Q: How long do cheap aquarium fish live?
A: Lifespan of these creatures varies by species but most live between 2-5 years.

Q: How many cheap fish can I put in a 10-gallon tank?
A: Typically, 5-6 small, budget-conscious fish such as Guppies or Tetras can be housed within this size tank.

Q: Can cheap fish survive without a filter?
A: While some cheap varieties may be able to survive in bowls without filters, it is not advised due to poor water quality and potential health hazards for the fish.

Q: How often should you feed cheap aquarium fish?
A: Aquarium fish should only be fed once or twice a day, with only as much food as they can consume within minutes.

Q: How often should you clean a tank with cheap fish?
A: For tanks with cheap fish, cleaning should occur every 1-2 weeks with partial water changes of 25-50% at a time.



We are Frederik and Felix, brothers and passionate fishkeepers who have dedicated their lives to the pet industry. We are trusted experts in this field thanks to years of experience as the owners of a high-end pet shop that specializes in aquariums and terrariums. We are certified in aqua animal care, aquarium maintenance, fish health, and terrarium maintenance. We started this blog because we love sharing our knowledge with other fishkeeping enthusiasts. All of our content is well researched and based upon scientific evidence from reliable sources like the American Association of Fish Veterinarians or the Aquatic Animal Life Support Operators. We strive to provide accurate and reliable information for our readers and are available to answer any questions. We hope that you find our blog interesting and we look forward sharing our passion with yours!

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