Best Fish to Get as a Pet: A Guide for Your Home Aquarium

best fish to get as a pet

If you’re considering getting a fish as a pet, it can be overwhelming trying to choose the right one. Luckily, we’re here to help guide you in the right direction towards finding the best fish for your home aquarium.

Some popular options for beginner fish keepers include Bettas, Goldfish, Guppies, and Tetras.

Continue reading to learn more about popular fish and factors to consider when selecting the ideal one for your home aquarium.

Key Takeaways

  • Deciding which fish is best for a pet depends on personal preferences and care requirements. Popular beginner options include bettas, goldfish, guppies, and tetras.
  • Be sure to research the care requirements for your chosen fish before bringing them home.
  • When selecting fish for your aquarium, take into account the size of the tank, water parameters and compatibility.
  • Provide your fish with proper care and a suitable environment to help ensure they live a long and healthy life.

Bettas, also known as Siamese fighting fish, are a popular choice due to their vibrant colors and ease of upkeep. Although relatively low maintenance, they can survive in small tanks or bowls without filtration; however, be aware that these aggressive creatures should never be kept with other types of fish.

Goldfish are a popular choice due to their stunning aesthetic and long lifespan. These long-lived creatures come in various shapes and sizes, but require a larger tank with an effective filtration system to ensure proper water quality.

Guppies are vibrant and energetic fish that require minimal care, making them great for community tanks with other peaceful fish or aquariums with live plants. Guppies also make excellent pets!

Tetras come in a range of colors and are renowned for their calm nature, making them the perfect choice for community tanks. To maintain a stable environment for these fish, you will need to provide them with both heating and filtration equipment.

When selecting the ideal fish for your home aquarium, it’s essential to take into account the size of your tank, water parameters required for your chosen fish, and their compatibility with other species.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Fish for Your Home Aquarium

Are you thinking about setting up a home aquarium? But do you know the factors to take into account when selecting fish for it?

When selecting fish for your home aquarium, factors like tank size, compatibility with other fish species, water conditions and diet should all be taken into account.

  • Tank Size: The size of your aquarium will determine which fish species you can keep. Each species has specific space requirements, and overcrowding can lead to health issues or aggressive behavior. As a general guideline, allow one inch of fish per gallon of water; however, this number may differ depending on species. Research the adult size of any desired fish before making sure your tank can comfortably accommodate them.
  • Compatibility with Other Fishes: Not all fish species can coexist peacefully in an aquarium. Some are territorial, while others prefer being social and prefer being with others. Research the temperament and behavior of different types of fish before selecting one that will live harmoniously together. Mixing aggressive and passive types of fish may lead to bullying or even death if left unchecked.
  • Water Conditions: Different fish species require specific water conditions, including temperature, pH and hardness. Research the ideal conditions for your desired fish species and make sure your aquarium can provide them. You may need to invest in a heater, filter system and testing kit to guarantee stable conditions.
  • Diet: Fish have varying dietary needs, such as herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores. Research the feeding requirements of your desired fish species and ensure you can provide them with a balanced diet. Overfeeding can cause health issues and pollute the water; so feed your fish sparingly and remove any uneaten food promptly.

In addition to these factors, consider the lifespan and activity level of your chosen fish as well as any special care requirements.

Beginner Fish: Best Options for First-Time Fish Keepers

Are you new to fish keeping and searching for some of the best choices that can help you get started? Let’s discuss some beginner-friendly fish species that require minimal care and are ideal for novices.

Beginner fish keepers often start with Betta fish, Guppies, Goldfish, Tetras and Corydoras as their go-to options.

When selecting fish for your aquarium, selection can be key. Beginners should aim to select hardy species that require minimal care and can survive in a variety of water temperatures.

Here are some of the best beginner fish for new fish keepers:

  • Betta Fish: Betta fish are popular among beginners due to their vibrant colors and ease of care. Hardy enough to live in small tanks or bowls, these hardy creatures require relatively low maintenance requirements compared to other fish species.
  • Guppies: Guppies are a popular choice for first-time fish keepers due to their vibrant colors and bubbly personalities. They require minimal care, being hardy in all kinds of water conditions. Furthermore, these peaceful little fish can easily be kept in a community tank alongside other smaller species.
  • Goldfish: Goldfish are a popular choice for beginners due to their hardiness and ease of care. To maintain them properly, goldfish should be kept in an aquarium with a filter and regular water changes. Plus, these active little creatures make great additions to any aquarium!
  • Tetras: Tetras are small and peaceful fish perfect for beginners. They come in a range of colors and can be kept as part of a community tank with other small fish. Plus, these hardy creatures can handle various water conditions without issue.
  • Corydoras: Corydoras are small, bottom-dwelling fish that make great beginner fish. They’re hardy and can survive in a variety of water conditions, while also being peaceful enough to be kept in a community tank with other small fish.

Finally, selecting the ideal fish for your aquarium can be a crucial decision, particularly for beginners. By selecting hardy and easy-to-care for species like Betta fish, Guppies, Goldfish, Tetras, and Corydoras as your starting fish species, you’re guaranteed a successful start in your fish keeping journey.

Advanced Fish: Ideal Choices for Experienced Fish Keepers

What are the ideal choices for experienced fish keepers seeking advanced species to maintain in their aquariums?

Experienced fish keepers may want to consider advanced species like Discus, Angelfish and Arowanas for their aquarium needs.

Experienced fish keepers looking for a challenge will find several advanced species that require specialized care but offer rewarding experiences.

One such species is the Discus, which stands out with its vibrant colors and unique shape. To maintain healthy Discus fish populations, they require warm, soft water conditions as well as a well-stocked aquarium with hiding spaces, along with an appropriate balance of live and frozen food sources.

Angelfish are an advanced species ideal for experienced aquarium keepers. They boast a striking appearance and come in various colors and patterns. To successfully care for an angelfish, it needs a large aquarium with plenty of swimming space, hiding places, as well as a varied diet of live and frozen food. Furthermore, angelfish have sensitive water quality so regular maintenance is key.

Arowanas are a challenging and expensive species for experienced fish keepers due to their prehistoric appearance and ability to grow up to 3 feet in length. A large aquarium with excellent water quality is necessary as Arowanas are highly sensitive to changes in pH levels. Furthermore, they require an specialized diet of live and frozen food items like insects and small fish as well as regular maintenance checks on their health.

Experienced fish keepers may consider adding the Flowerhorn Cichlid, Peacock Bass or Electric Eel to their aquarium setups. However, it’s essential to remember that these species require specialized care and may not fit all aquarium setups. Research the specific needs of each species prior to adding them into a tank setup.

Finally, advanced fish species like Discus, Angelfish and Arowanas offer experienced aquarium keepers a rewarding challenge. However, they require specialized care and may not be suitable for all setups.

Tank Size and Water Parameters: Matching Your Fish to Your Tank

Selecting the ideal tank size and water parameters is essential for keeping your fish healthy and content. But how do you know which size and parameters are ideal for them?

Matching your fish to the proper tank size and water parameters is paramount for their wellbeing. A suitable aquarium setting must include adequate space, adequate lighting, and appropriate water temperatures.

When it comes to fishkeeping, one of the most critical decisions you will make is selecting the correct tank size and water parameters for your fish. Fish require specific environments in order to survive and thrive, so matching your fish to a suitable tank size and environment is essential for their wellbeing.

  • Tank Size: The size of your fish tank will depend on their number and species. Overcrowding can lead to poor water quality, disease, and stress for your aquatic friends. As a general guideline, provide one gallon of water per inch in length; however, this amount may differ depending on species. Larger fish require larger tanks due to waste production and need for space to swim around. Before purchasing any type of pet fish, research their adult size and behavior so you can decide on an appropriate tank size accordingly.
  • Water Parameters: Make sure the water parameters in your tank are suitable for the species of fish you plan to keep. Factors such as pH, temperature and hardness can have an immense effect on a fish’s health; some may require specific parameters to survive so research their needs before purchasing them.

It is essential to note that sudden changes in water parameters can be hazardous for your fish, so it’s essential to maintain stable conditions in your tank. Test your water regularly and make necessary adjustments gradually over time.

Finally, matching your fish to the right tank size and water parameters is critical for their wellbeing. A suitable aquatic environment must include adequate tank dimensions as well as appropriate water parameters.

Compatibility: Choosing Fish That Can Live Together in Harmony

Finding the ideal fish for your aquarium can be a daunting task, particularly if you are new to fishkeeping. One of the most crucial factors when selecting fish is their compatibility with each other – but how do you go about selecting peaceful creatures that live together harmoniously?

Selecting fish that can coexist peacefully is essential for maintaining a healthy and vibrant aquarium. Research the compatibility between different species to avoid aggression, stress, or disease outbreaks.

When selecting fish for your aquarium, it’s essential that you select species that can coexist peacefully. Different fish have individual personalities and behaviors; some may be more aggressive or territorial than others.

Selecting compatible fish will help avoid fights between them and reduce stress levels for all of your aquatic friends.

Here are some tips for selecting fish that can live together harmoniously:

  1. Research fish species before buying: Be sure to understand the personality, size and behavior of each type of fish you plan to keep. Some may be more aggressive or territorial than others, so research their compatibility with other fish.
  2. Consider the size of the aquarium: Your aquarium’s size will dictate which fish species and numbers can fit comfortably inside it. Overcrowding can lead to stress and aggression, so ensure that you select fish which will get along well together in your setting.
  3. Select Fish with Similar Needs: Different fish species have varying requirements for water temperature, pH levels and other water parameters. Selecting fish that share similar requirements will make it simpler to maintain a stable ecosystem in your aquarium.
  4. Introduce New Fish Gradually: When adding new fish to your aquarium, it is essential that you do so gradually. Sudden changes in the environment can cause stress and aggression among fish; gradually introduce each one separately and monitor their behavior closely.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What fish are the best for beginners?
A: Betta fish, Goldfish and Tetras.

Q: Which one requires the least upkeep?
A: Betta fish.

Q: For small tanks, what would you recommend?
A: Betta fish.

Q: Which species has low maintenance requirements?
A: Betta fish

Q: What are the most vibrant fish to keep as pets?
A: Betta fish, guppies and neon tetras.

Q: Is keeping a fish in a bowl without a filter recommended?
A: No.

Q: Can fish die from dirty tanks?
A: Absolutely.

Q: How often should I clean my aquarium?
A: Every two weeks.

Q: Do fish get lonely?
A: Some species do.

Q: Can fish recognize their owners?
A: Some species, like the betta fish, do.

Q: How should I acclimate a new fish to my tank?
A: Add small amounts of water from the tank into its bag before releasing it into the aquarium.


We are Frederik and Felix, brothers and passionate fishkeepers who have dedicated their lives to the pet industry. We are trusted experts in this field thanks to years of experience as the owners of a high-end pet shop that specializes in aquariums and terrariums. We are certified in aqua animal care, aquarium maintenance, fish health, and terrarium maintenance. We started this blog because we love sharing our knowledge with other fishkeeping enthusiasts. All of our content is well researched and based upon scientific evidence from reliable sources like the American Association of Fish Veterinarians or the Aquatic Animal Life Support Operators. We strive to provide accurate and reliable information for our readers and are available to answer any questions. We hope that you find our blog interesting and we look forward sharing our passion with yours!

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