If you have ever planned on having an extra-large tank and wondered what might be a great addition to this setup, enter the Bala Shark (Balantiocheilos melanopterus).
Not actually a shark per se; these are large, freshwater fish who have a noticeable and pointed dorsal fin that echoes a real shark hence their moniker.
When a hobbyist thinks of having a shark, you might think that it means having an aggressive fish in your midst. The Bala Shark is actually a very peaceful and gentle fish that is among the largest species of hobby fish you can acquire for freshwater tanks.
These are social fish that hails from fast-moving waters in Southeast Asia that may also be known in the trade as a Tricolor Shark, Tricolor Minnow, Silver Shark, or a Silver Bala. In the wild, they are found in Sumatra, Borneo, and Malaysia, first discovered in 1850.
This species is believed to be possibly extinct in the wild after voracious over-harvesting. This is a real shame and a result of over-enthusiasm in the hobby. A reminder of why researching your community and their origins is important to know as well as your supplier if a species is under threat from the wild collection. Luckily, these fish live on in the commercially bred sector, so they are still a fish you can enjoy.
Boasting a highly social and active personality, these fish have gained momentum in the hobby and have become increasingly popular. They are normally purchased in groups as it is essential to have more than one.
We’ll take a deep dive into why these energetic giants of the freshwater kingdom have gained such a following in recent decades and why you might want to consider them if you have a super-sized tank.

Bala Shark Behavior
Considered a peaceful, gentle giant of the hobby, these fish are adamant schoolers. You should never have less than four in your tank if you plan on taking a Bala Shark under your wing for optimum health and happiness. Six is ideal for these fish to avoid aggression, harassment, and dominance behaviors.
Their large size and highly active swimming nature mean that they require a large amount of space for swimming in open waters. Long, rectangular tanks that allow them loads of forward propulsion are necessary for these fish.
Bala Sharks tend to spend most of their time in the middle layer of your water column in the tank.
While they need a school to enjoy life, they also cannot handle overcrowding which is when their aggressive side will deploy. The large tank size is required to handle the minimum of four that allows your Bala Shark community to establish their hierarchy as they do in the wild without getting exceptionally territorial.
Males can be observed nipping and chasing other males if you have less than four as they try to establish dominance.
These Bala Sharks are also well known for being prolific jumpers, so you’ll need to keep a lid on your mega tank!
They can be timid when first introduced to your new tank after sourcing. After several weeks, you should be able to observe your Bala Sharks becoming more active and engaged out in the wide open.
Bala Sharks are also easily distracted by hunting for endless food sources. If it fits into their mouths, they will eat it. So no smaller fish, snails, invertebrates, or other species of fish in your tank intent on breeding, or your Balas will consume the fry.
Bala Shark Lifespan
If you cater to the needs of your Bala Sharks, you could expect them to live for, on average, around 8 – 10 years.
We will discuss more on tank requirements a little later in this article.

Bala Shark Appearance
As one of the largest freshwater fish you can acquire and house in a hobby tank, you should be prepared that at full maturity, they usually reach up to 13 inches in length.
Their trademark is their prominent dorsal fin, reminiscent of an actual shark, which they are definitely not!
They possess a round, torpedo-shaped body that is built for speed.
Silver in color, they have fins that mimic the typical shark shape, which have some yellowy striping present along with thick black trim. Radiant light reflection off their scales is thanks to their density and compact arrangement.
They are a shiny, glossy-looking specimen under aquarium lighting, and although not a vibrant color, they will still impress.
Large, expressive eyes are another key characteristic of these fish. They are superb hunters and are always on the lookout for food.
Bala Shark Habitat And Tank Requirements
As always, we want to achieve optimum health for fish we keep in captivity by closely mimicking their natural habitat. Their wild origins are the swiftly flowing river waters of Southeast Asia.
Let’s look at some specifics that are needed to provide these epic fish with a great quality of life that best suits them for optimum health.
Tank Conditions
Powerful filtration to create a fast-flowing water current is good for these fish as they love a current, and this is the best way to recreate it in your large tank.
Providing filtration beyond your tank capacity is ideal to ensure that they are getting better than clean water conditions.
They enjoy a pebble or large smooth gravel substrate, and darker colors will show off their light silvery coloring even better.
As Bala Sharks are highly active, you’ll want to ensure that you have plenty of open swimming areas. Avoid vegetation that is too intrusive into the midsection of the water column or needs too much maintenance.
Good ideas for live plants include Java Moss, Amazon Swords, Anubias, Java Fern, Vallis, Crypts, Duckweed, and Water Spangles. Floating plants will help discourage their habit of jumping when they get too excited at feeding time too!
They will enjoy hiding in the shorter plant life and revel in the open areas for their active swimming behavior. Keep plants low and around the perimeter to allow your Bala Sharks to have the most activity possible.
Water changes need to be weekly and at least 25 – 35% changed over for optimum water quality.
Water conditions should be noted and maintained as follows:
- pH of 6.5 – 8.0
- Water hardness between 10 – 13 dKH
- Temperature between 72 – 82ºF (22 – 28ºC)
- Lighting conditions are acceptable for these fish with standard lighting
Tank Size
The minimum tank size for a group of four is about 100 gallons, and if you add more, then add another 15 gallons for each individual.
However, this is the minimum, so getting something larger is even better to keep them active, curious, and healthier.
In terms of shape, you’ll want something long and rectangular that will allow them plenty of active swimming areas.
Avoid anything rounded that will impede their schooling nature.
Choosing Tank Mates For Bala Sharks
Having a Bala Shark school is an exceptional achievement if you can afford the space, tank size, and maintenance needed to keep them happy.
When it comes to finding friendly species for your peaceful Bala Sharks, you have plenty of options.
Your want to keep sizes of tank mates relative, nothing too small, or your Bala Shark WILL eat them. They are excellent hunters and will take advantage of anything that fits into their mouths.
Some excellent tank mate pairings that would work well include:
- Minor Tetras
- Rasboras
- Corydoras
- Rainbowfish
- Gourami
- Tinfoil Barbs
- Char
- Clown Loaches
- Angelfish
- Plecos
- Black Ghost Knifefish
- Swordtails
Avoid invertebrates like shrimp and snails as your Bala Sharks will inevitably consider them a meal, and you’ll notice them disappear.
Avoid anything aggressive as they will defer to the other fish and usually lose out when it comes to feeding and will be on the wrong end of bullying behavior. Things like Jack Dempsey’s, Oscars, Red Devils, and aggressive Cichlids should be on the no-go zone for your potential community fish.

Notes On Feeding Bala Sharks
Bala Sharks are omnivores and will enjoy a balanced diet of plants and proteins in their diet.
As larger fish, they are capable of eating larger sources of food. Crustaceans, larvae, algae, and worms of all sizes will make them rather happy.
Exceptional quality flaked or pellet foods are good for Bala Sharks as a base in their nutrition, but they will require supplemental live/frozen foods and homemade veggies to really help them shine.
Bloodworms, Blackworms, Mosquito Larvae, Earthworms, and blanched vegetables will all enhance their health and keep them in optimal condition.
Smaller meals 2 – 3 times per day will help avoid overfeeding these fish. Bala Sharks are well known for being greedy, hoarding food, out-competing any tank community fish, and overeating easily.
Bala Shark Common Health Issues
Most freshwater fish are susceptible to Ich (White Spot Disease), which, as the name implies, is easily distinguished by white spots on the body due to a parasitic infection.
You will often see your fish rubbing themselves onto decor in order to rid themselves of some of the discomforts from the parasite. There are, however, commercial treatments available to help treat Ich. If you see any Ich developing, you should treat the whole tank as it’s contagious, and it would be hard to have a quarantine tank for the size and space these guys need.
Other conditions like Fin Rot, Dropsy, and other parasitic infections are the typical things to keep an eye out for, but the Bala Shark is considered quite hardy and has no major issues as a species.
Normally when these health hazards happen, it’s because the water parameters and quality have dropped. This means upping your game and cleaning schedule without fail to restore the tank to its best.
They can be minimized with a strict water cleaning and change schedule along with regular checking of your water parameters with a suitable testing kit.

Breeding Bala Sharks
It isn’t really possible to breed Bala Sharks in a home aquarium.
The ones your find from stockists are bred commercially, and as we noted earlier, they are endangered.
On top of this, they usually administer or require hormone injections to make this possible for the hobby.
To make matters more difficult, you would need a huge breeding tank just for your Bala Sharks without other community fish if you were to attempt it. After successful spawning, should you achieve it, you would need to move the parents, or else they will consume the eggs.
That’s a lot of space required to accomplish a Bala Shark breeding project. While not impossible, it’s better left to the commercial experts.
Are Bala Sharks The Right Choice For Your Aquarium?
We think Bala Sharks make a great option for the hobbyist who can dedicate a suitable amount of space and finances to keep these gentle giants. Having a huge tank does deliver a wow factor, and the appearance of the Bala Shark will not disappoint.
While not as flashy as, say, Discus Fish, they are eminently easier to care for as long as you have large tank maintenance experience and can handle the cleaning workload.
A fine school of Bala Sharks will make an outstanding impression, and their lively and active personalities will make them mesmerizing to observe every day.
They’re the sharks for anyone who’s still afraid to go into the water after being traumatized by Jaws. A pretend shark tank that hits all the right notes in the looks department without the predatory frenzy and danger associated with authentic ones.
You won’t need a bigger boat, just a bigger tank!