What Type of Fish is Dory?

What Type of Fish is Dory from Finding Nemo

If you’re a fan of “Finding Nemo,” you’re likely familiar with Dory, the forgetful yet lovable fish who accompanies Nemo’s father on his journey to find his son. But have you ever wondered what type of fish Dory actually is?

Dory is a Blue Tang Fish.

But there’s more to know about this species of fish and its connection to the movie “Finding Nemo.” Keep reading to learn all about the Blue Tang and its real-life counterparts.

The Blue Tang, commonly referred to as the Royal Tang, is a species of surgeonfish native to the Indo-Pacific region. Their vibrant blue coloration fades into yellowish hues towards their tail end. These fish have an eye-catching shape with long narrow bodies and pointed snouts.

In the movie “Finding Nemo,” Dory is portrayed as an engaging and helpful character who suffers from short-term memory loss. However, while Dory may be fictional, Blue Tangs are real fish found in the ocean. After viewing “Finding Nemo,” many people expressed interest in keeping Blue Tangs as pets, prompting concern over its impact on wild populations of these fish.

Blue Tangs live in coral reefs and rocky areas, feeding on algae and small invertebrates. They’re known for their schooling behavior – often swimming together in large groups. While not considered a threatened species, some may be caught for aquarium trade which could have negative impacts on their populations in certain places.

Blue Tangs are renowned for their stunning appearance, but also for producing a toxic toxin which deters predators. This toxin lies within a mucus layer covering their skin and may cause irritation or paralysis to some predators; however, humans are typically unaffected by this toxin and can safely handle Blue Tangs without fear.

What Is a Blue Tang Fish?

The Blue Tang Fish (commonly referred to as the Regal Tang) is a saltwater species belonging to the surgeonfish family, distinguished by its vibrant blue coloration, yellow tail, and black “palette” design on its body. Popular among aquarium traders, Blue Tangs can also be found in coral reefs throughout Indo-Pacific regions.

Common NameBlue Tang Fish
Scientific NameParacanthurus hepatus
Native RegionIndo-Pacific
SizeUp to 12 inches (30 cm)
DietOmnivorous, feeding mainly on algae
Tank SizeMinimum 75 gallons (284 liters)
Water ParameterspH 8.1-8.4; Temperature 72-78°F (22-26°C)
Special NeedsRequires plenty of swimming space and hiding places, can be sensitive to water quality
NotesPopular aquarium fish, but can be difficult to keep for inexperienced hobbyists.

The Blue Tang Fish (Paracanthurus hepatus) is a popular aquarium fish renowned for its stunning appearance and energetic swimming behavior. Native to coral reefs in the Indo-Pacific region, such as the Great Barrier Reef, Red Sea, and Hawaiian Islands, Blue Tangs typically inhabit shallow tropical waters where they congregate together in schools.

One of the most prominent characteristics of a Blue Tang is its vibrant blue coloration that extends from its head to the tail. Usually yellow, its dorsal and anal fins are outlined in black; further adding visual interest, each individual features an unique “palette” design composed of multiple shades of blue and black on its body. Blue Tangs can grow up to 12 inches (30 cm) long, with an estimated lifespan in captivity of up to 30 years.

Blue Tangs are herbivorous creatures that feed on algae and small invertebrates found in coral reefs. They have become popular aquarium ornamentals due to their hardiness and ease of care requirements.

It’s important to note that Blue Tangs may be susceptible to certain health issues like marine ich, so they need a large tank with plenty of hiding places as well as excellent water quality for optimal growth and wellbeing.

Blue Tangs play an integral role in the marine ecosystem, controlling algae growth and providing food for larger predators such as sharks and barracudas. Furthermore, they often form symbiotic relationships with certain species of cleaner fish which feed on parasites and dead skin cells from the Blue Tang’s body.

Recently, the Blue Tang has seen an unprecedented surge in popularity due to the animated film “Finding Dory,” featuring a Blue Tang as its main character. This has caused increased demand for Blue Tangs in the aquarium trade and raised concerns about overfishing and its effect on wild populations.

Therefore, many aquarium professionals suggest choosing alternative species or choosing captive-bred Blue Tangs to reduce their impact on wild populations.

Are Blue Tang Fish Endangered?

Due to the increasing demand for Blue Tang fish in the aquarium trade, some people are worried about their population in the wild. Is it endangered? Let’s find out.

Blue Tang Fish are not currently listed as endangered, but their populations in the wild are threatened due to overfishing and habitat destruction.

Blue Tang Fish are not considered endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), however their wild populations are threatened due to various factors. One major threat facing Blue Tangs is overfishing – when too many are taken from the wild in order to meet aquarium trade demand.

Blue Tangs are particularly vulnerable to habitat destruction due to climate change, pollution and human activities. Coral reefs are essential for Blue Tangs’ survival as they provide food and shelter while supporting a diverse ecosystem of marine life.

Blue Tangs are currently considered a species of “least concern” by the IUCN, though their populations could become endangered if current trends persist. As a result, many aquarium professionals are advocating for sustainable and responsible practices in their trade – such as selecting captive-bred Blue Tangs or selecting alternative species that aren’t threatened in the wild.

In addition to these conservation efforts, some organizations are working to safeguard Blue Tang habitats and populations in the wild. For instance, Florida-based Coral Restoration Foundation is actively restoring damaged coral reefs to create new homes for Blue Tangs and other marine species. Meanwhile, World Wildlife Fund advocates for policies and practices that safeguard coral reef ecosystems and the species dependent upon them.

Overall, Blue Tangs are not currently considered endangered; however, their wild populations are at risk due to overfishing and habitat destruction. It is essential for individuals and organizations to take action in order to safeguard these fish and their environments in order to guarantee their long-term viability.

What do Blue Tang Fish Eat?

Blue Tang Fish are renowned for their vibrant hues, but what do they eat? Let’s take a closer look at the diet of this popular species of marine fish.

Blue Tang Fish are herbivores, feeding primarily on algae and other plant matter found in coral reefs.

Blue Tang Fish are herbivorous, or they primarily feed on plant matter. In the wild, Blue Tangs feed on various algae and other marine vegetation found within coral reefs. Their favorite foods include red, green and brown algae as well as sea grasses and small plants.

Aquarium trader Blue Tangs can be fed a variety of foods to promote balanced nutrition. Commercially available items like algae wafers and spirulina flakes can be used as supplements, while fresh or frozen veggies like zucchini, spinach and peas may also be fed them. By providing your Blue Tang with an extensive diet it will ensure they receive all essential nutrients they require for good health.

It is essential to take into account that Blue Tangs have specific feeding behaviors which should be taken into account when caring for them. They tend to graze throughout the day, so provide small amounts multiple times daily. Furthermore, Blue Tangs have been known to nibble at corals and other invertebrates so provide plenty of algae and plant material so they have something healthy to eat without harming other aquarium inhabitants.

Blue Tang Fish are herbivores that feed on various algae and plant matter found in coral reefs. When kept as aquarium ornamentals, they may be fed commercial foods as well as fresh or frozen vegetables to supplement their diet. It is essential to provide these beautiful creatures with a varied diet in order to promote their health and wellbeing.

Can Blue Tang Fish be Kept as Pets?

Can Blue Tang Fish be kept as pets? Let’s explore the feasibility of keeping Blue Tangs as pets.

Blue Tang Fish can be kept as pets, but they require a large tank with excellent water quality, plenty of hiding places, and a varied diet that meets their specific nutritional needs.

Blue Tang Fish make excellent pets in the aquarium trade, but it’s essential to consider their needs and challenges when caring for them. Blue Tangs are relatively hardy creatures with a lifespan of up to 30 years in the wild; however, in captivity they require certain conditions in order to thrive.

  • Tank Size: One of the most essential considerations when keeping Blue Tangs as pets is tank size. These active swimmers require a large environment with plenty of open space to swim; at least 75 gallons is recommended for one Blue Tang, and larger tanks may be necessary if you have multiple fish. It’s also essential to provide hiding places such as rock formations or coral structures so Blue Tangs can retreat and feel secure.
  • Water Quality: Water quality is another essential consideration when keeping Blue Tangs as pets. These fish are highly sensitive to changes in water chemistry and require optimal conditions to thrive. A high-grade filtration system and regular water changes are necessary for Blue Tangs to remain healthy and flourish.
  • Diet: Blue Tangs are herbivores and require a varied diet that meets their specific nutritional requirements. Commercially available foods for herbivorous fish such as algae wafers and spirulina flakes can be used to supplement their diet, while fresh or frozen vegetables like zucchini, spinach or peas may also be fed to these finny friends. It is essential to provide your Blue Tang with plenty of varied food sources in order to stay healthy and strong.
  • Social Behavior: When keeping Blue Tangs as pets, it is essential to take into account their social behavior. Blue Tangs have a reputation for aggression towards other Blue Tangs and similar species, so keeping only one in an aquarium is generally recommended. Furthermore, Blue Tangs have been known to nibble at corals and invertebrates, so selecting tankmates carefully and providing plenty of algae and plant material for them to eat is necessary.

Blue Tang fish make great pets in the aquarium trade, but they require specific conditions and care to thrive. A large tank with excellent water quality, plenty of hiding places, and a varied diet tailored towards their nutritional requirements are necessary for their health and wellbeing.

How Long Do Blue Tang Fish Live?

Have you ever wondered how long these fish can live? In this section, we will explore the lifespan of Blue Tang fish, both in the wild and in captivity.

Blue Tang fish can live up to 30 years in the wild, but their lifespan in captivity may be shorter due to a variety of factors.

Blue Tang fish live up to 30 years in the wild, though their lifespan in captivity may be shorter due to factors like environment, diet and genetics. In their natural habitats they have been known to live up to 30 years; however, in captivity they may experience shorter lifespans due to factors like pollution or poor hygiene conditions.

One of the most critical factors affecting Blue Tangs’ lifespans in captivity is their environment. Blue Tangs require a large tank with excellent water quality and plenty of hiding places to feel secure; poor conditions or stress can lead to shorter lives for these fish.

Diet is another factor that can influence the lifespan of Blue Tangs in captivity. These fish are herbivores and require a varied diet that meets their specific nutritional requirements. A diet devoid of essential nutrients can lead to health problems and a shorter lifespan.

Genetics can play an important role in the lifespan of Blue Tangs. Some individuals may be genetically predisposed to certain health issues or conditions that could shorten their life expectancy. Furthermore, inbreeding and other genetic factors may impact captive Blue Tangs’ wellbeing and longevity as well.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What other fish species can be found in “Finding Nemo”?

A: “Finding Nemo” boasts an impressive array of fish species, such as clownfish, Blue Tangs, Moorish idols, angelfish and groupers to name a few.

Q: Is Dory a real fish?

A: No, Dory the friendly yet forgetful fish from “Finding Nemo” and “Finding Dory” is fictional and not an actual species; she however was inspired by Blue Tang fish which exist in real life.

Q: How would you describe the personality of a Blue Tang fish?

A: Blue Tangs tend to be peaceful, inquisitive and social creatures. They’re characterized by vibrant coloration as well as outgoing personalities.

Q: What adaptations do Blue Tang fish need to survive in their environment?

A: Blue Tang Fish possess several adaptations that help them survive in their environment, such as sharp spines which deter predators and bright blue coloration which blends in with its surroundings. Furthermore, Blue Tangs can camouflage themselves by changing colors to blend in with the environment.

Q: How do Blue Tang Fish defend themselves from predators?

A: Blue Tang Fish have several ways of protecting themselves. Their sharp spines on their fins can be raised to deter predators, and they blend in with their environment by changing coloration. Furthermore, Blue Tangs are fast swimmers and can quickly escape danger by darting away.


We are Frederik and Felix, brothers and passionate fishkeepers who have dedicated their lives to the pet industry. We are trusted experts in this field thanks to years of experience as the owners of a high-end pet shop that specializes in aquariums and terrariums. We are certified in aqua animal care, aquarium maintenance, fish health, and terrarium maintenance. We started this blog because we love sharing our knowledge with other fishkeeping enthusiasts. All of our content is well researched and based upon scientific evidence from reliable sources like the American Association of Fish Veterinarians or the Aquatic Animal Life Support Operators. We strive to provide accurate and reliable information for our readers and are available to answer any questions. We hope that you find our blog interesting and we look forward sharing our passion with yours!

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